Jane Broccolo


About Animal Communicator Jane


Jane Broccolo is an animal, nature, and spirit communicator, Polarity Wellness Educator, Reiki Master, animal rights activist, freelance writer on the human-animal connection, author of the book, LIKE AN ANIMAL When Being Human is not Enough, and founder of Talks With Pets and Animal Self Empowerment.

For nearly three decades now – one spent in Sedona, AZ following her NY certification – Jane’s been facilitating over a myriad of human and nonhuman animals in fulfilling their highest potentials as spiritual beings having an earthly experience.

Jane gives us new dimension and meaning to animal communication, a whole body conversation that affects every relationship in every area of our lives.

All benefit. All win in relationships where the truth that we are all one has the loving space to reach heightened levels of all won.™

Once a child with a horse and farm animals as her only friends, Jane still remembers her primary language, animal communication, to help her recognize like an animal, Truth’s beauty pervading all of life.

At twenty, her first writing about experiencing beauty in the undesirable was published. Much later, Jane’s recognition of beauty saved her life thanks to a field of cows. It’s a natural undercurrent flowing through all of her work as an animal communicator, writer, and healing mentor for animals and their people.

Jane’s rates are: $45/20 Minutes or $120/hour


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